Meet the Barb & Company Team

We’re proud to have a robust team of experienced, knowledgeable professionals to help each client attain their financial goals. Get to know the experienced Barb & Company team.

Mike Barb, CPA
Mike Barb, CPAFounding Shareholder
Paul Robins, CPA
Paul Robins, CPAManaging Shareholder
Steve Riley, CPA, CFE
Steve Riley, CPA, CFEAudit Shareholder
Stephen Barb
Stephen BarbStaff Accountant / Administrator
Josh Capone, MBA
Josh Capone, MBATax Accountant / Consultant
Samantha Copeland
Samantha CopelandOffice Administrator
Dani DeBeaugrine
Dani DeBeaugrinePayroll Specialist
Charity Epting
Charity EptingPayroll Specialist
Gina Griffith
Gina GriffithTax Preparer / Bookkeeper
Brandon Humphries
Brandon HumphriesTax Preparer/Bookkeeper
Rob Johnson, EA
Rob Johnson, EATax Accountant / Consultant
Elizabeth Keels
Elizabeth KeelsOffice Administrator
Sara Keller
Sara KellerBookkeeper
Gary Langham, CFA
Gary Langham, CFAFinancial Planner / Consultant
Jill Lominick
Jill LominickTax Preparer/ Bookkeeper
Kathryn Moret
Kathryn MoretTax Accountant / Consultant
Genevieve Reynolds
Genevieve ReynoldsStaff Accountant
Susanne C. Russell, CPA
Susanne C. Russell, CPATax Accountant / Consultant
John Scullion
John ScullionOffice Administrator

Ready to Talk?

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